Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Letter I Just Emailed To Duke Energy

Dear Maam or Sir,

So I thought about signing up for your ebill services. So I go to the form, first question, SSN. Sure, no problem, I enter all 9 digits. Oh, but your form wants me to enter dashes. Are you serious? Can the folks that maintain the website not create a form that can parse the number and enter the dashes itself? I mean seriously, a 9-digit number is a nine digit number no matter how you dash it. Is there a legit reason why you have it setup this way? If so, I'd like to know before I sign up for ebill.
Usability gets a thumbs down.
Also the Flash on the main page does not display correctly in Firefox on Ubuntu. Please look into this issue as well, I'll send more as I find them, but I don't plan on spending a long time on your website.
Oh, while I'm at it, how about some online payment options? C'mon, it's 2007, you can have online payments? Maybe accept some Paypal or Google Checkout? I'd love you forever.
Please reply via email.


1 comment:

Natalie said...

Ahahaha! I love that you always sign off with kisses.