Friday, June 08, 2007

I Got Pwn3d

In the past two days my credit card had been declined several times. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was, so I payed a visit to the bank today and they let me know what's up.
So I had my identity stolen. Well, not really my identity, but more just my credit card information. Who knows where they got it from, but some gangsters in Aruba made up a counterfeit card with my number and tried to make an purchase of $800 or so at a Toys-R-Us. Then tried for $300 something odd dollars at a jewelery store. Luckily those are beyond obvious for potential fraud and my bank stopped it. But they don't have all their systems talking to each other. When I updated my phone number at the bank branch, the Visa department never got a hold of it, so I never got the call that my card was shut down.
It takes 7-10 days to get me a new card, so meanwhile, I'm spending lean with just cash. But I did transfer $200 to my Paypal account so I can still use a card for internet and bill pay.
Also unfortunately, I had to dip into my Blackberry savings fund of one dollar bills. But I plan to pay myself back when this is all done with.

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