Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cancer Is Really Really Funny

Is it just me, or do I just not care about anything at all? Perhaps I get bored with things too easily. I like my job, but do I really, truly, honestly give a fuck about how your kitchen looks? No. No I don't. I might have cared about my car at one point, but I've let it go to shit recently. I haven't even washed her in many weeks. I'm generally not happy with my surroundings, but I just don't give a fuck enough to do anything about it. I remember when I used to be passionate about things. Now I only care enough not to get hassled. I will ignore things, and procrastinate, and produce massive amounts of indifference and apathy...And to no end. I need a passion. I need a hobby. I need a muse. I need an archenemy. There is no usefulness to my life at this point. I've decided this on my own. I don't need anyone to tell me. I know I'm awesome, but what am I awesome at? Getting email on my phone? Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes? Flirting? Working my ass off for a company that perhaps does not care about me and does not reward me at all? Fuck. I'd rather lick rusty assholes that be the sad sack of shit that I am now. Problem is that nothing is worth it. So imagine I get a new car. Who really cares? I get a new job and make more money, so I pay off my bills. What the fuck ever. I move across the country and end up doing the same old shit I've been doing here for 30% less. Lame. Maybe I'll find some fantastic hobbies to pursue. Then I'll end up being a master on string theory with a giant cardboard box full of stamps. Holy shit, is Ben doing some soul searching? Maybe I'm just depressed. Maybe I drink too much. Maybe the dumb fucks that write checks, can't drive, embrace their stupidity and don't pay attention to detail are fucking up my life. I really just don't care about you. It's quite simple, really. But what's my endgame. If I've decided I've already won, what's the point of going on with this assdance? Well let's see, I do enjoy peeing outdoors. I like that first cigarette of the morning. I like to masturbate before I go to sleep. I enjoy driving in the rain and listening to Darude, Tiger Army or Bleeding Through. I like sleeping in. I like breakfast at 5am. I like learning things that most people just don't care to know. I like hating on Bono. I like poking fun of The Face. I like to rub my ears then smell my fingers. I like to pick my nose. I'm just bored with life. Sorry Tommy, I know it's the most exciting time, but I'm just worn out.


Natalie said...

You'll find something new to be passionate about. You always do. One of these days, you'll even find something that you'll stay passionate about. There will be something that you don't lose interest in. Just keep studying up on string theory and become the next Stephen Hawking.

Anonymous said...

knit? knitting's fun...unless your arms are fucked up, like mine, and you look like a retard doing it because your arms fly out like a duck.

Anonymous said...

Maybe everything you want is right in front of you but you are so bored with your own life that you cant see it. Be passionate about passionate people. Step out of your box and do something new with your life.

. said...

This anonymous fuck above me needs to stop stealing lines from Hallmark cards. That un orginal fuck. Here's an idea Ben. Don't listen to a word that any of us say. Make yur own decisions and get in your car and drive untill your lost or out of gas.

If your taking this advise to heart then your not really paying attention.