Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So now Laz (my store manager, for those of you who don't know) wants to get a Blackberry. Everyone just has to try to be as cool as me. Next thing you know the rappers like Half Dollar are gonna be driving 14 year old Saabs and supermodels will be drinking RockStar. I must be a natural trendsetter. It's not cool till Ben does it.

So one day back in 1992, I was standing next to a guy that was wearing a trucker hat, so if you looked at the right angle, it looked like I was wearing it. Next thing you know, 5 years later, a light bulb finally goes off in Ashton Kutchie's head. And the trend is born. You see how this shit gets started?

It's 1999 and I'm single on Valentine's Day. I decide to wish the world a "Happy VD Day" the easiest way possible...advertise it on my jacket. Since I didn't want to have it there forever, I used safety pins to write it out. With the remainder of the box of safety pins I pinned them to the seams of my pants so I could change the message later. Lo and behold, a year later, Hot Topic is selling safety pins, 10 for a dollar. Fuckers.


Ben Marvin said...

I was in Baghdad when you were still in your dad's bag.

Ben Marvin said...

I was the first to make it cool. Cause I'm a smooth operator.

. said...

I think it cool and funny when you get really drunk and piss yourself. Are you try to popularize that too?

Ben Marvin said...

Shit come to think of it, I spilled paint on my jeas at the Depot, then like a month later The Crombie is selling them shits at like 60 bucks. Those fuckers.