Monday, January 02, 2006

A letter to the SC DMV

-----Original Message-----
From: "Benmarvin" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 02:38:50
Subject: Greetings

Just dropping you a note to let you know that your site is impossible to browse using a Blackberry handheld. If you could correct this problem, and it is a problem, it would show that you care about this state and its drivers. And I'm sure the citizens of this state are your primary concern, not just how quickly you can get done with your work and get a paycheck. Let me know how you're coming along on that project and perhaps I'll consider voting for the candidate that endorses funding the DMV.

Ben Marvin


Natalie said...

Haha, now lets see if something will come of that.

Ben Marvin said...

Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:08:47
Subject: RE: jw220921 Greetings

Dear Mr. Marvin,

Thank you for writing the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.
Please be assured your comments and suggestions are very important to us.

We always appreciate the opportunity to review our procedures and provide
the most efficient service possible to our customers. We hope you will
continue to provide comments and suggestions, as you have done today. We
wish to advise that in the near future we will be launching our new website
however, at this time we are do not offer a mobile site that is able to
support Blackberry and other handheld hardware.

Customer feedback helps DMV and its employees measure the success of our
change. .We look forward to hearing from you again in the future. If we may
be of further assistance, please let us know.

When contacting our office again in the future, we ask that you reference
the tracking number listed below:

tracking number: 220921


Ben Marvin said...


. said...

From autoreply email.