Monday, January 02, 2006


I really really really want a t-shirt with Hypnotoad on it. Somebody buy one or make one for me. I will pay you in sexual favors or I'll give you free shit from the lost-and-found at work. There's some pretty cool shit in there too. I got an awesome Starwars watch from there. Sometimes you can find a child's shoe. But always just one. I think it would be funny to have in hanging out of my trunk like I stuffed the kid inside my trunk. Or I could put it on the hood of my car with some blood spatter and such. Classic comedy right there, folks. So think about it. Hypnotoad. Free shoes. You can't beat that shit right there. That's an awesome deal.


Natalie said...

Haha, It's going to take a while, but I know people that could pull this off.

Anonymous said...

I like the shoe out of the trunk ordeal. I want something from the lost and found!