Thursday, January 26, 2006

Fuck Katie

I don't know who Katie Cassidy is, and I don't really care. But after reading that, I fucking hate her and want to kill her motherfucking guts. Fuck her, that fucking bitch whore slut fuckhole motherfucker. I'll stab her in the fucking throat and rip out her vagina before I run her over with a garbage truck from New Jersey. Then I want to set her face on fire till it melts into a pool of goo that I will form into a dildo and send to her boyfriend.


Shiying! said...

now now that's not very nice is it?

Who? said...

Woah! Fierce! But now I learnt a new way to fuck the person I hate the next time!

I like this - stab her in the fucking throat and rip out her vagina

Natalie said...

Someone wrote that her dog got her pregnant. That's not okay.