Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Letter To (sent today)

How about making this site a tad easier to use. I have a suggestion. For accounts that only have one phone on them (like mine), just eliminate the option for a user (me) to have to be the account administrator. And don't even try that rhetoric about how it can't be done. It's 2006, if you say it can't be done, you're just lazy. If you want me to pay my bill, I have to have admin access to my own account. Mind you, I'm the only person on my account, I should be default admin, but worky. Then, when I try to sign up to be the admin, it won't accept my SIM ID #. Nevermind that I'm entering it from the phone and from the account info provided by this site. Then, it won't let me use the same username that I'm logging in with. There are some real usability issues you guys need to work out here. If they are not resolved in a timely manner, I will be requiring a discount on my acccount for my personal time invested towards attempting to figure out your interface.


1 comment:

Natalie said...

Nice touch asking for a discount. Very tastefully done. Please post their response.