Monday, December 12, 2005

Pentium 4, Fuck You Intel

Why the fuck do they call it the Pentium 4? Why did we stop with the proper naming scheme? From 386 to 486 to Pentium. We all knew that the Pentium was the 586 chipset. But then there was the Pentium II. Sure you get the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps it wasn't new enough of a chip to move on to a different number. Can we not finally move on to 686? Or does that not have a ring to it? How about the Sextium, Septium, Octium, and Nonium? Shouldn't we be preparing ourselves for the Decium by now? Fuck you Intel, you lost your creativity when Windows 95 came out.


Natalie said...

Haha, you said finnally. You should write to Intel and tell them about their ignorance. Then, post their response for all to see!

j merlino said...

Actually, I think the reason was that AMD, Cyrix, and others started using "486" or "386", and courts ruled that model names with numbers only could not be trademarked.