Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Firefly Mobile Is Against Gay Marriage

And it's a good thing. No, it doesn't come in a 'Dad and Bruce' model. Or a 'Mom and Ellen' model. Just 'Mom and Dad'. And that's the way it should be.

And in case you were wondering, I'll take mine in X-Ray or Limeade.

If you wanna be a fag, you'll have to go with Verizon. And you can have Dad be number one, and his 3 boyfriends be 2, 3 and 4. According to the website, "4 parent programmable numbers". If they meant the parent's could program the numbers, they would have a hyphen between parent and programmable. But no, they just think it's ok to have 4 parents. Those orgy-loving Verizon fags.


Natalie said...

But Bruce is gaining on you! Someone give that company a cookie. Let's say that daddy was a dead-beat dad and wasn't around for your kid, ever. Now, when you buy your kid this phone, they will grow to resent you since they have to be reminded every day of the daddy they don't have to call.

. said...

What is the button you push to make your parents stop calling 10 times a day.