- TyPinG likE ThiS cauSe iTs lIkE suPeR MeGA duMB, yEaH!
- Riding in the left lane, even when there's no traffic in the other 3 lanes.
- Bono.
- Junk mail. Junk emails. Junk period. If I cared about losing weight, getting a free phone, or refinancing my home, I'd ask ya. Thanks, come again.
- People that don't use turn signals.
- People that do not use proper English.
- Lazy co-workers.
- Rude co-workers.
- FM radio.
- Bad directions. Incomplete, wrong, whatever.
- People that read my blog, but don't comment.
- People that say they're gonna comment, but don't.
Ok, that's all for now. Thank you.
I hate when people say "kewl." I also hate when people slow down to 40mph in a 65 zone with no one in front of them slowing them down.
hOW, AboUt TypiNG LiKe ThIs AND MiSspElLiNg tHingS on pUrPoSe?
hey boi, muh mom said she wizhed i wuznt born.
i don't mean to not comment, however i'm too lazy to set internet up at my place of residence.
ummm... "people who" not "people that" do not use proper grammar
as long as we're being, you know, proper. and all.
People that use improper grammar do not deserve pronouns. And I forgot, tYpinG liKR ThiS iz l33+!!!1! But only if you're l33t is iT ok.
I hate starbucks.
I hate corporate. I love Starbucks though, they sprinkle crack over their coffee I swear it!
I hate mexicans.
I hate Big Lots.
I hate Bogey's.
I hate drug dealers.
I hate niggers too.
Oh, and I hate talking toys.
Elmo love you!!! Elmo knows your name!! Elmo knows where you live!!!!
You know they have an Elmo now with his own USB cable (you don't wanna know where it plugs into) and you can program it with your kid's name and birthday and stuff, so it knows out-of-the-box all this information. If I got that for my birthday, I'd shoot it for being a Nazi spy.
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