Thursday, January 13, 2005

Michael Savage Makes Me Pissed Off

Reading or hearing Michael Savage pisses me off. It pisses me off so much I could scream. This is a good thing. It gets me pissed off at liberals. It's the good kind of pissed off that makes me want to storm the streets with a pickaxe and start swinging at liberals, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and other fools of the world. I feel revolutionary. Or counter-revolutionary as the case may be. I can't believe we, myself included, have ignored and excused some of the simplest things. I'm guilty. You're guilty. There is a war going on, and there are those on the right side and those on the wrong (left) side of things. I could go on into detail and write volumes of books on what's been going on, but now I just want to bring attention to it.

Truth is, liberals want a socialist country. They scream about wanting "multiculturalism" and other buzz-words, when all they're trying to do is convert us to socialist, borderline-communists. They're sneakier than ninjas in a chicken coop. And we let them in. Well, I, for one, have had just about enough. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of Michael Moore spouting off on his conspiracy-of-the-week about our President. It's his right to speak his mind, but sometimes you have to silence the village idiot. I'm sick of the government (read: liberal elitists) trying to force their ideals and "plans" on me every day. I don't want someone telling me how to live my life. Now, I'm not an anarchist, and I believe in structured government, but some sects have gone way too far. I'm sick of liberals constantly criticizing the right-wing every step we try to take in a forward direction. We try and reform taxes or Social Security, and they scream and rant about how we're going to "screw things up", which is just code for "Hey, we're pulling the wool over Americans' eyes, quit trying to remove it." I'm just plain sick of it all. Every facet of our society today is being compromised and taxes (both ways) by liberals in all forms. Just try to think of something left-handed politicians haven't stuck their noses in. From the type of car you drive, to how fast you can drive it. From what foods you eat, to how long you have to wait to buy bullets. It's pure insanity.

As of right now, there's not a lot of viable options as to what the average American citizen can do about this problem. If Ben Marvin wants to go out today and change something, where is he to go? There's always the Republican/Libertarian talk-radio haven, but what does that give us. We can talk our tongues off all day long, and raise a firestorm of protest, but at the end of the day, it's back to weather and traffic, and nothing changes. Granted, it's a great format to plan and discuss, and eventually change things, but it's hardly the most effective. Liberals control most of the media, out off symathy to the causes of the left, or simply out of the default of "political correctness", which is a concept that perpetuates liberal ideas of ultratolerance and apologisms. The poison in our society is rampant, and it must be expelled if you expect any sort of a decent life for our future generations. We can make this happen. And Michael Savage is going to help me.

I like to read. I think it's great to learn, and I'll be the first to admit that I don't know something. I'm also the first to jump at the chance to learn, to find out things. When I read Michael Savage, I not only gain knowledge and information, I get inspiration. Inspiration handed down from the God above. The inspiration to do what I know to be right. For myself, for my family, for my country, and for my fellow man. This is what we need. This is what's going to solve things. Remember the joke about eating the elephant? One bite at a time. That's exactly how the liberals are eating away at the fabric of this great country, and that's exactly how we're going to win it back. Every day things change. New laws are made, conversations happen, people interact. The arsenic of the left had been claiming victories in far too many of these little 'battles' that occur daily. I don't like to be pushed. So we're going to start pushing back.

Every day of your life, you will come up against challenges. These challenges can make or break a person. It's these little, daily personal challenges that sway the situations of the world. When your child's "counselors" at school are recommending Ritalin because your boy likes to daydream. Push back. When that idiot sitting near you in a restaurant spouts off about "Bush lied". Push back. When you make a choice of movies, magazines, even food. Every time you are presented with a challenge, a choice, it's the best opportunity to bring the ball back to our court. It's hard to resist temptation. Only Jesus himself is able to brickwall against temptation.. But we are human and we are tempted. Sometimes we give in, sometimes we do the right thing. If it were easy to resist temptation and greed, we wouldn't have liberals. The temptation mask takes many forms. It's designed to be enticing. This Trojan Horse is also designed to break down the values that we hold dearly. It's time to push back.

Go read some Michael Savage. Get informed to what's going on, what's been happening to our great country. Get informed of what's going on in your community, schools, and even your own home. Read some more, listen to talk-radio, watch the news (adjust for the slant), talk to people. Take these valuable pieces of information and use all your available powers and weapons to fight the good fight. Get angry. Get so angry and direct all your energy toward your goal. Know your enemies, and know where you will bury their bodies when you slay them. Accept nothing less than victory.

Bring it on, let's rock 'n roll.

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