Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Best Things To Do When You're Depressed

  • Kill people: Yeah sure, it's illegal or something. But what the hell, you're the one that is depressed, you should be able to do what you want. Use a chainsaw, then claim insanity if you get caught. Tell them it's because of the new Britney Spears CD.
  • Pee on things: You're probably depressed because you're a wimp and you feel powerless over your life. Things not going your way? Just pee on things. The cat, a cop car, that homeless guy that asks you for change. Whatever, use your imagination. Gain that power back!
  • Harass people on the internet: Sure, this is a kind of lame suggestion and it could backfire. Some guy could get mad and come burn your house down. But whatever, it'll be fun while it lasts. I recommend the forums at Dr. Phil's website or just be like everybody else and troll Digg.
  • Drink lots of alcohol: Think this is a stupid idea? It probably is, but what the hell, maybe you'll become the next Hemingway while you're in a drunken stupor. All important people of modern era were alcoholics. Look it up, it's fact.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, this is hilarious.