Sunday, February 05, 2006


Let's face the facts. I'm smarter than you. I'm better looking. And I will make more money than you. Always. I have skills superior to you. My cat's skills are superior to your cat's skills. I can parallel park my car, like you suck dicks...Like a pro. Tell me, do you really thing you could pw3nd me? Fuck off, ya hoser. I'm the one with the 24k gold switchblade. I'm the man that's gonna take helecopters to the afterparty.


bex said...

i paralell park just as well as i suck dick,


. said...

I don't paralell park. I just ram it in there. Like I do with my dick.

Ben Marvin said...

It's P-A-R-A-L-L-E-L, you fucks.