Monday, February 13, 2006

Text Pay Me

Here's a cool little service called Text Pay Me. You can send money Paypal style via SMS. No more IOUs from friends, get your money now. You can also buy and sell on CraigsList. They give you 5 bucks free just to sign up. Sign up now before PayPal tries to buy the company...which could happen.

SignUp at TextPayMe


Natalie said...

Wow...this is a little too intense. Sending money via the cell phone...that is not okay.

. said...

I rest my case.

Ben Marvin said...

Why are you people so scared of this? It's no more risky than Paypal. Did you even look at the site?

Look, you send an SMS to TPM saying "pay so-and-so however much". Via their secure site, it will transfer that money to them. Just like paypal does with email. I trust it 100%. You're not sending shit via text msg, just a command. Your money is protected by a PIN. And it's fucking free. With 5 free fucking dollars. If you found 5 bucks on the street, you wouldn't pick it up?

It's ignorant fucks like you that repress technology. Fucking lame. Why don't you go back to trading with gold dust. I'm surprised you trust in the american dollar.

I think this is the coolest thing I've seen all year so far. Remember when people where scared to do business online? We laugh at them now. It's like old folks afraid of credit cards so they only write checks. You two, and whoever else brushes this off is that old lady in line that I curse for taking too long to write a check. Get with the times, you're living in the past.

Oh, and Andy, I guess you're exempt, cause you can't text msg. Actually, no, cause you can do it via email on your phone.

Whatever, don't mind me, I'm just ranting....