Thursday, January 12, 2006

Today's Joke

Guy and a girl are driving in a car. Girl says "If you can get this car over 100mph, I'll get naked." Of course they guy says ok, and procedes to speed up. Well, they hit 100, 110, 115... So then she takes her clothes off. She's sitting there naked in the passenger seat, and naturally the guy gets a little 'distracted' from driving. They have a horrible crash, the car flips, but they're both ok. The guy is pinned, and the girl is free, but she can't find any of her clothes. All she can find is her boyrfriend's shoe, so she grabs that to cover her privates, and runs off to find help. The nearest place is a gas station a quarter mile up the road. She runs inside, out of breath, and all she can blurt out to the bewildered clerk is "Help! Help! My boyfriend is trapped!" The clerk looks at her and says, "Well honey, I'm no doctor, but I think he already fell in too far!"


Natalie said...

Is this joke about Julie?

Who? said...

This is damn funny!!!