Saturday, January 14, 2006

To Those Of You In Minnesota

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey
wants your vote!

Specializing in blood drinking and impaling terrorists, he was a pro wrestler He plans on making he NASCAR debut in 2006, and becoming president in 2008. And 'Just like Bruce Springsteen, he's against war'.


Natalie said...

Americans, please, let us not elect an ex-wrestler to presidency.

bex said...

that was an entirley upsetting thingy there.

david says it was on somthing awful, and i say ummm... im taking a shower.

Ben Marvin said...

You know, minus the whole satan, vampyres and wrestler thing...he's not half bad.

Keb Radics said...

Ben. I would appreciate it if you could steal more of my posts. I have a serious trade imbalance here. I have stolen over 10,301 of your posts yet you have only taken just this one.

If this imbalance continues I will have to refer you to the U.N. High Commission on Blogs and have you censured.

I would like to report, that I am making good progress on pretending that your friends are my friends.

Dam these bitches are Hot!!!.

What's the deal do you have a really big penis?