Sunday, January 22, 2006

Oh, Just Fuck Off Already

American Idol? Homophobic? No!

Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen, the GLADFAGS are claiming that Simon and Randy are homophobes and are afraid of prissymen's ballsacs. Simon gave the finger when asked for comment and Randy said "Hey dude, bro, man, I feel ya man, dude, I'm just not feeling it, bro."

When asked for comment, Paula was found making out with 5 gay dudes in a closet.

Seriously though, what the fuck does it fucking matter. I'm sure these gay-rights groups, in a strikingly similar way to civil-rights groups, will not be happy until they have infringed on every aspect of American life. They will not be happy until every TV show, every movies, every store, every musical artist, every book, every website, every toy, every car, every stop sign is wearing short-shorts, painting it's nails and sucking dick. To the gay people: It's fine. We get it, you're gay. Now shut up about it and move on with your life. I don't run around screaming about how I like pussy, although perhaps I should.

But as in the case of why there is no White Entertainment Television (no, MTV doesn't count), it's not the best practice to fight stupid with stupid. It's best just to ignore it, do not give in under any means, and they will go away.

Now, on with my life....White Pride, Straight Pride!


Ben Marvin said...

Simple. Gays are too full of cum to worry about anything besides how they've been offended today. Fags are the new niggers.

Natalie said...

I bet the homos will find a way to take offense to snakes on a motha fuckin' plane!

Keb Radics said...

it's not that I not a homo mind you. It's just that I am a vagitarian.

So I can only go that one way.