Friday, January 27, 2006

My Comment To The Folks That Wanted To Ban This Candy (apparently they succeeded)

Seriously, what's wrong with you people? Have you lost your freaking minds? It's candy, just candy. It's not dead babies candy, it's not world trade center debris candy. It's roadkill candy. Jeez. People like you folks just make me want to shoot myself in the head right now so I don't have to put up with you anymore. Get a freaking life and get the fuck over it. You're not important and you will not make a difference. Why don't you just censor the entire world? Hide your precious little kids from anything and everything. Throw your TV out the window and burn that scandalous Jessica Simpson cd you bought them for christmas. Meanwhile your 13 year old daughter is having sex with the 25 year old horndog that she met on Why don't you go do something useful with your time and energy like sit on the Texas border and shoot illegal immigrants...


Ben Marvin said...

If they found out about it, they'd try to.

Natalie said...

But it doesn't even offend gays! Who cares if it isn't a cause that Bono stands up for? This is LAME. People need something better to bitch about, like their whore children or welfare.