Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I've discovered something

I'm completely out of touch with the kids today. And that's ok by me. If I look at a group of kids now and compare it to the way I was, and the way my peers were, there's a tremendous difference in the two. See, it's not that I was a normal kid, but ape essential ingredients can be found in all youth of the same era.
Perhaps it's just a 'coming out' of these traits, or perhaps it's just a cycle, but I'm noticing more and more that it's trendy to hate your parents politics, it's ok to be a slut puppy, and if you aren't a part of this, you're S.o.l. Ok so the last one is a universal truth, but it's complimentive to the other observations.
There is no spirit or purpose to the current generation of youth. Perhaps I'm way off base, perhaps it has yet to be seen.
These degenerate fucks need to get jobs, not drug dealing. And these overachiever fuckers need to lighten up a bit and perhaps not believe everything their liberal professors tell them.


Ben Marvin said...

Posted from the Blackberry, BTW.

Natalie said...

I think the most important thing about growing up is taking what you have learned and developing your own self. You have to weed out the bullshit and determine what means something to you. If I believe everything my teachers or friends ever told me, I'd be one mixed up waist of human.

Ben Marvin said...


Natalie said...

Bah...you're so right.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with Natalie.

You've got to fuck up to grow.