Friday, January 13, 2006

Fork You In The Rub-A-Dub-Dub Up The Butt

Here's what makes me sick: people always think the world is so easy that it boils down into two easy categories. Men and women, Liberals and conservatives, Yes and no, Do or don't, 1 or 2, Go or stop, Get rich or die tryin, pee or poo, paper or plastic, glasses or contacts, regular of decaf, Pepsi or Coke, Walmart or Target, and so on and so forth. The world is complex. Most people are simple minded. They don't understand things, they don't analyze things. I put the anal in analyze.

If I come up to a stop sign and someone comes to the stop sign across the street, am I the only one that asks myself 'are they turning left in front of me'? Are you sure? But I know, if you ask yourself that question, did you even consider who was driving, what kind of car it was, who is behind you, what time it was, what's on the radio, are you late, are you hungry, is that a cop, is there a car to the right of me, is my turn signal on, am I in the right gear..... It's a learn-in-time type of skill. And now I can't help it. I can still do it while responding to emails on my Blackberry, and smoking.

How many times have you looked for a shirt, and only found two opposing viewpoints? Take for instance, the abortion shirts. You got anti-abortion, and the so called 'pro-choice' shirts. Whatever happened to the 'I kill babies for fun' shirt? or the 'Babies taste yummy'? or the 'Abortion, it's the new NFL!' and of course the classic: 'I'm asexual, I don't give a shit if you abort that nigger demon you're about to shit out, because you can't afford condoms and you've got 27 niggers raping you for fun, but you don't care and now you can get free welfare and food stamps." shirt. I want one of those.

Everyone wants things centralized. That why we live in cities and have commissions run things. That's why there are presidents of companies and people in charge. There is no choice when it comes to a lot of things. Or is there? Truth is, people are lazy. They want it broken down for them. They desire to be told what to do, like little sheepfuckers. They need some guidance in their empty lives. They don't want to look at the whole picture because it scares them.

I think outside the box. I order from the dollar menu and make them switch out condiments. I listen to music I don't like because it pisses you off, therefore, I enjoy it. I like the Waffle House, but I hate the people that go there. I go to work because I like it, not for the money. I couldn't give a shit if gas goes up another 3 dollars a gallon. Do you know how much you're paying per gallon for bottled water, and StarChuck's fuckachinos? And you complain about gas...what fucking idiots. I'd rather have gas. Sometimes, I'd rather stay at home rather than go out and see your ugly asses everyday.

1 comment:

bex said...

this was long enough that i didnt even read it. im just commenting.

well done ben arent you clever etc etc asskiss.

i didnt even have to.