Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sock Rocking.

So I'm bored the other night, and I decide to leave random comments on myspace.

So I pick a random person out of my friends list, and I leave this comment:

hey you

how many sock of mine do you think you can rock off?
Simple enough, you would think, right?

Obviously being the cool hipster he is, her boyfriend sends me this email:

ummm lets see izzi, my girlfriend, will rock 0 of your socks that a good enough answer?
Fair enough. Or is it?

My response is as follows:

Does that mean I can rock your socks off, dickhead?

Chicks go on myspace to gather compliments. Usually because they don't get compliments from their boyfriends.

If people were content in their lives they would not be seeking new friends on the internet.

When I use the term 'rock my socks off', not a damn sexual thing is meant. You stressing the fact that izzi is your girlfriend would imply that you think I'm trying to get into her pants. I am not. I have my own girlfriend. I don't take pleasure in stealing girlfriends, nor do I relish the fact of putting up with teenager bullshit. Young girls are dumb and I do not enjoy them.

My comments stem from the boredom of a full-time job and no money left to spend on cocaine and hookers.

I recommend you get a life instead of trying to "defend" your girlfriend's honor against comments that were meant in the most platonic of ways.

You are a dickhead. If you wanna chat about it, call me. 704.622.5050.

I await his response. But if it's anything like I think, the pure stone-cold logic of my thinking will melt his brain into a goey mess of pudding dripping down from the top bunk bed where he chats on Myspace with his $800 Toshiba laptop and AOL connection.

Stay tuned. Don't you just love an internet fight? Yeah, that's why I want him to call me....I think he wants to suck my dick or something.


Natalie said...

Watch out, dip-shits usually have the HIV.

Natalie said...

And oh my goodness, the boyfriend. He's totally gay. And that schnoz! If he sucked your dick with his head upside down, his nose would be so far up your ass hole it'd probably bleed. What a fag.

Anonymous said...

*laughs* This is better than soaps!

. said...

I think you might make him dump his GF and run into your arms for a thorough fag-beating