Saturday, December 24, 2005

So Mandy finally gets a blogspot blog.

In the not so distant past, I was the only one I knew that had a digital camera. And now it seems everyone I know has one and it's better than mine. I remember when I was the only one I knew that had a cd burner, and mp3 player, and other cool shit. I'm just not cool anymore. I have to buy the Archos AV700, a Canon Digital EOS Mark II, and a Koenigsegg to be cool anymore. Shit, at least I got a Blackberry. Of course, it's no longer exclusive. That's why I drive a Saab, that's why I listen to weird foreign music. Do I like these things and enjoy the exclusivity, or do I enjoy them because they're exclusive? I don't know. Perhaps I am just a trendsetter, forever doomed to have people trampling over my feet chasing me down in search of the next big thing. That's ok. I'm forever seeking to try out new things. Gaining new knowledge, and staying on the cutting edge. I like to at least stay ahead of myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The link is broken.
Did dude write you back?
I saw your saab in black in my neighborhood the other day.