Wednesday, December 28, 2005

One Of These Posts

  • I think every American should own a gun, not everyone in America, every American.
  • In 2 weeks, I get a promotion.
  • I think my dad takes too many vitamins/supplements.
  • My room is a mess.
  • I miss cable tv already.
  • I want to be a day trader or a mutual fund manager.
  • Even though I have 10,000 mp3's, sometimes I can't find anything I want to listen to.
  • I like stealing music.
  • My 401k excites me. A lot.
  • I'm sorta getting burned out on energy drinks.
  • No sleep makes me cranky.


Anonymous said...

i totally agree. and i totally need to come out to the waffle sometime, seeing as i've suddenly become a hermit who sees none of her friends. and, you still have eraserhead and happy tree friends. tata.

Natalie said...

I think that anything takes adjustment. I think you adjust well.