Thursday, December 22, 2005

Interesting Read

I've gone from Punk Conservative to Interesting Read, I wonder what the rest of the world thinks. Fuck em, I don't give a shit. I hope they enjoy me. You hear me fuckers, you should be enjoying me!

Let me tell you, people here cannot park for shit. They don't know what a fire lane is, they don't know how a parking spot is marked, they cannot parallel park, and most do not realize when a parking lot has a one way lane. I hate them all. Next time I see some fucker that jilted halfway into my parking spot, or in the fire lane. Or just generally being an idiot... I'm going to give them a piece of paper with a note on it:
"Dear Maam or Sir. I don't appreciate the way you park. Thanks, Ben"
Then I'm going to rubberband the note to a brick and throw it through the window. If the driver is present they will get a brick to the head.


. said...

I know where you can find bricks.

Natalie said...

Can I steal that idea but use a glass bottle and put the note inside?

bex said...

*steals both, and adds kerosene and a rag... there was a note, find it quick while you burn fuckers*

Anonymous said...

*laughs* Oh my God, it's like that movie, The Saw! "*eerie voice* You are an idiot who can't park. I have placed a bomb in your car. Park your car the right way bitches before the clock stops ticking, and you may win your life back! The twist is, the keys to your car are in my vagina! muahaha!!"

Sydney said...

i think "punk conservative" is a WAY cooler thing to call you than "interesting read"