Monday, December 19, 2005

Eat My Ass...But It's Christmas

You know what I hate... When people make the excuse to do something 'just because it's Christmas'. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I know you're thinking, Christmas is supposed to be about being nice and goodwill toward men, but using it as an excuse is crap. Be what you are and do it all the time. Not just for a particular holiday. No one has ever said "Oh, I are you totaled my car, but what the heck, it's Labor Day, I forgive you. Listen, it's not that I hate all acts of kindness, it's just that I hate it when people use a holiday as their reasoning for doing so. You people sicken me. Next time I hear someone use that phrase, they're getting a kick in the jaw, just because it's Christmas.


Natalie said...

They're going to get macked up. Jews don't walk around going, "Susan, it's okay that you slept with my husband, because it's Hannukah."

. said...

I would point out the need for you to proof read but it's Bastille Day and I know how much you hate the French.

Who? said...

Its just another day... isnt it?

Ben Marvin said...

Did I spell something wrong? I posted from my phone, gimme a break.