I'm looking for new aspirations in life. I need new muses. I want new goals. I want to learn to excel at things I would normally not tackle. Perhaps some new hobbies, perhaps technical skills. Perhaps I should go back to school. It almost sounds like a crappy Adam Sandler movie in the making... No matter, I'm going to try not to be embarrassed of anything about myself. Ever. That's a mighty hard aspiration to work for, but I'll give it a shot.
All too often, myself, and I'm sure others...I get this feeling of being stuck in a rut, and find myself doing the same things over and over again. I found myself thinking that too much of a person's molding is done in their youth, and not many a person change the ways after their 20's. I'm not going to be like that. No, I'm not going to develop multiple personalities and change with every trend the wind blows in. I will strive to be a stable, yet dynamic person. Adapt to my surroundings, develop my skills (I sound like Napolean Dynamite here), and constantly work to perfect myself. If perfection is the goal, then may I never grow tired of trying. Perhaps it's the OCD talking here...
I often talk of how bored I am. The same old shit, different day. There should never be a moment when I am bored. Every day, every minute, there's a thousand stimulus to be experienced, a thousand new things to learn. It's been said, I think by Hawking, that if you line up all the new books published on edge, the line would be moving faster than sound. Or something like that. Specifics are not important to that statistic. The point is that if knowledge and information is my game, then I will never have much more than a cupful from the ocean that exists out there. And to think, that's just one of the avenues that I enjoy pursuing.
I would like to expand my photography horizons. Aside from getting a new camera, that a completely different post. I would like to dive into more varied genres of pictures than the majority that are in my folders. When I look at my pictures, then even glance at some other pictures, from camera ads, or off websites, or artist portfolios...It boggles me that there's so much material out there that I'm missing out on. To name a few: still-life, animals, sports, astronomy...Then we get into the photoshop/special effect section...Then there's all the different positions/locations you can do with a particular subject. As often suggested to do with my number one camera muse, my car. A photo diary of many different locations/days. I realize it's endless, but I want to explore so much of it. It's almost depressing to think of all the missed opportunities I will have to endure.
Motivation is always the best avenue. To take it upon yourself to make your life different is admirable, considering so many people wait for something to change for them. I hope that you can keep these hopes and expand upon them soon. I can't wait to see the outcome!
Funny side note, my word verification that I just had to do was "pppfus." I'm sorry, but it made me giggle.
just git off your ass and do anything!!
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