Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Caribouboubou Lame.

Those lame-ass folks at Caribou are so lazy, they have to recycle the trivia questions for 3 fucking days in a row. No, changing the wording does not fool me. The answer is the same, and you are self-endorsing whores. Why must you ruin the highlight of my lunch hour? I was sort of enjoying a new question everyday...then, BAM, they took it away from me. Lame.


Natalie said...

Trivia Question:

What word is eight letters long, but only contains one letter?

There may be a free cup of coffee involved for the right answer.

Ben Marvin said...

Envelope. That was too easy. But it could contain more than one letter.

Tré said...

I thought this said "Caribouboubou Llama" :(

What a disappointment.

Ben Marvin said...

It does say Caribouboubou Llama. Your 1.5 hours of sleep are deceiving your eyes.

. said...

At least they have free wi-fi. That is their/there/the're only redeaming quality.

Anonymous said...

Hey now... us lazy folks at carbiou don't give a flying fuck about the damn trivia. ITS 10 CENTS!! Like we care if you get it right. I give you free coffee anyways douch!!