Monday, July 25, 2005

Fuck It

Fuck it. I just decided to be bitter. I don't need any friends. I don't want to trust anyone. I don't want to do favors, I don't want to have favors done for me. I don't like people. They're all fucking assholes. They're all idiots. They are not worthy of my time. They are not worthy of my life. It's not my fault your life is fucked up. Don't force it on me. I will go to work. I will pay my bills. I will do what I want. I will not give you the time of day because it will waste a moment of my life. Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. Don't think about me. You don't even have to call me. This world has nothing to offer me. And I have nothing to offer this world. I don't want to bother with the trivialness that constantly begs to invade my mind. MTV, BET, pornography, pop-up ads, sluts at the mall, advertise, advertise, advertise. Talk behind my back. Talk to your friends. I hope you know none of this will matter in the end. I hope you realize, someday, how worthless your life turned out to be. I'm glad I was not a part of it. I'm glad you didn't have the strength to bring me down. I'm sorry I gave you the opportunity to believe you had the power to hurt me. You will never know that feeling again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to trust anyone."
Trust is like a pill you have to take every morning. It's an obligation. Your screwed if you take the blasted thing or not. Take it, because it was prescribed, it's the "right thing to do." Or don't, and suffer the consequences. Live with your tremors, your depression (don't even get me started on that), that infection you have growing on the back of your nut sack. It's bullshit and I don't like taking medication!

"I'm sorry I gave you the opportunity to believe you had the power to hurt me. You will never know that feeling again."
I love that. You know what sucks to think about? There really ARE people out there that their mission in life is to bring down the vulnerable. They seek them out. They feed off of their pain to bring themselves up in the world. "Power" and "Greed", w.t.f mate?