Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's Alarming

Let's face it. Car alarms don't work. No one pays any attention when an alarm goes off in a parking lot. Yet practically ever new car has one, if only for a honking horn. The only time a current alarm would be useful is if it was in the middle of the night and it woke you up. The other 99% of the time, they're merely annoying.
Now most vehicles equipped with alarms also have some sort of immobilization device. These are generally more effective at stopping a potential thief. So then, why does the alarm still exist?
So we look to the future of car alarms. Will they still be around in the next few years? I think so. When no one pays attention to a regular car alarm, they came out with the talking ones. "Please step away from the Dodge Viper." Now the natural progression would be to custom alarms. Eventually it will be how attention-getting can my alarm be. Jamster will start offering car alarm ringtones to upload to your car. David Hasselhoff will make a killing in royalties.

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