Go check out the Lonely And Horny Webstore: Some prices dropped, and new products added. Any suggestions? Email suggestions or graphics.
You guys like the title change to my blog? I've been wanting to do that forever, but I know most of you don't have Asian language support installed, so I had to install it myself. And 250 MB latter, I could copy it as an image. Enjoy.
Check out He'Brew. It's the chosen beer. L'Chaim!
That website made me lol.
...and what does the title say?
Same as it always has. Just in Japanese.
Are you just now finding out about He'brew? You're so late! Sadly, it's not that good. Kosher foods usually aren't. Besides, I highly doubt that the guy stocking the shelf is Jewish, or the truck driver, or anyone else who handled it, so it's not really kosher anyhow.
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