Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Bush to hold talks on Ali G creator after diplomatic row

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Are they serious? "Save Kazakhstan's reputaion"? What reputaion? You should be lucky someone is even mentioning your country. What's your major export? What have you done for the world in the past hundred years?
TV ads? PR blitz? IT'S A FUCKING MOVIE! Get the fuck over yourselves! I don't know why people always freak the fuck out and get so offended at shit. If you can't laugh at yourself then the terrorists have won. I'd like to see a comedy about 9/11. I'd like to see a zombified Steve Irwin hanging a stingray from a noose. I'd like to see more Muhammed cartoons.
It's time the world stopped acting like babies over a little ball-busting.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


Natalie said...

I would love to see a comedy about 9/11. Everyone says that's heartless but there are lots of comedies out there about WWII and that wasn't so funny at the time either.

Fuck 'em! Lets make movies.

Anonymous said...

I swear, sometimes I think people have nothing better to do then complain. Maybe I'm heartless, but it didn't phase me when Nancy Gray interregated that woman and she killed herself the next day, and it wouldn't phase me if I saw comedy about 9/11! So- go for it Natalie!