Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wal Mart

It seems to me that everyone hates Wal-Mart. Everytime I hear about Wal-Mart, or hear anything in the news about them, it's always negative. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're perfect, I'm not defending them about anything. Now, answer me this, if everyone hates Wal-Mart, then how the fuck do they get to be the largest retailer in the US, if not the world? Somebody has got to be doing the shopping there. This goes to show that the people that hate Wal-Mart are nothing more than big mouthed assholes. They are not significant. They do not represent the majority and they do not matter in the big picture of things. For one reason or another Mr Asshole decided he doesn't like a business that is way more successful than he is, so him and his limp dick decided to try to be a badass and label a corporate giant as 'evil'. Go to hell, no one cares. I like $10 pants, and I don't give a shit about Chinese labor. At least they're fucking working and keeping their mouths shut. And why is it always the motherfuckers that look like this guy on the right? Shut the fuck up, guy, everyone knows you bought that sweatshirt at Wal-Mart, even if your bracelet came from Hot Topic. Fag.


Natalie said...

It doesn't matter how much people bitch about the place because they will just go back within a few days to pick up their toiletries and groceries. I mean, where else can you buy a rifle and some diapers?

Anonymous said...

See, I don't dislike Walmart as a corporation. Walmart is fucking genius. It's one huge impulse buy, and that's why they make so much bank.