I hate training classes. Sure occastionally I learn something useful that I can actually use on the job. But the majority of what I get is some politically correct horseshit that some ass at corporate thought I might be able to use. Downgrade! Only to add to the agony, half the class eats it up like yummy steak and philosophizes about it like it's the gospel. Wtf, mate? Perhaps if Home Depot wasted less time on this and worked on solutions that worked, we'd be progressing somewhere.
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The sad thing is that if they didn't offer these classes they would probably get sued. Because our country has become THAT lame.
FAIRTAX 4eva my nigga!!!!!!!
Funny stuff. My dad had a training course where they made everyone stand up and do the "corporate cultural swing." The little dance was circa Elvis and had nothing to do with anything. But, my dad's not a biggot now, because of that little arms waving hip thrust.
"Corporate cultural swing?" wtf, mate...I'd love to see that.
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