Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I just overheard one of the most interesting things in a while.
There's this fat girl at Coffeeworks, and she's talking to her friend about religion. Most of her fat rolled babble is typical of teens and religion. "Oh, I don't like this" and "I think I should worship my own way" and all the bullshit. But one thing she said stuck out like her tummy.
"I didn't really believe in God till the first time I took ecstasy. I looked at my arm and thought, wow, is this blood really running through me?"
Wow. Just wow. She's done far too many drugs in her lifetime to ever be allowed to have a theological discussion. I feel like I should go over to her table, punch her in the asshole then call her a stupid bitch.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


Anonymous said...


Now you see why I oppose women as clergy.

But I kid the broads.

Natalie said...

Someone smack that ho.

. said...

If she had a hot friend then I would befriend her just to get into her friend's panties.