Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why Kids Need To Work

Kids these days are worthless shits. They have no skills. Mostly because they have learned nothing in school. Either because they don't care or because the shitty schools don't teach them anything. Perhaps that's why they drive like Koreans, because Driver'sEd taught them nothing, and their parents just don't care. Anyway, back to my point. Every kid needs a job, starting while they're in high-school. No, not some meaningful job that might intrude on my life, like McDonalds, or a mall job, but something like shoveling shit on a ponyfarm, or stuffing envelopes. It's a matter of learning respect, and consistency in life. Work is something 99% of us will have to do for the rest of our lives, so it's good to get learning quick instead of when you're 30. When these worthless kids get jobs out of high-school, or have a part-timer in college, usually they don't know anything, and they're more concerned with partying or getting laid than work. That's why they're so dysfunctional. I think if everyone had their mind on their work, when they were at work, they would be more productive. They would be worth the money they were being paid, even at $6 an hour. Profits would soar, the economy would swell, and these dumb kids might actually turn out to be decent human beings.

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